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Game » consists of 2 releases. Released Oct 13, 2009
- Nintendo DS
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In Petz PONY BEAUTY Pageant, one assumes the role of a professional pony trainer in charge of a Pony Club.
You can design the look of your ponies by altering the colors, patterns, decorations, and accessories of the animal. You can then enter them in beauty pageants with the goal of eventually leading the Grand Pony Parade.
You'll care for your ponies by feeding them, washing them, brushing them and training them for dressage (maneuvers of a horse in response to body signals by the rider) as well as jumping by way of a number of mini-games.
Petz PONY BEAUTY Pageant also includes collecting. You will collect stickers for each of the animals you meet while on nature walks with your ponies and then trade those stickers, accessories, and even fashion tips with friends via your Nintendo DS's wireless connection. You'll also be able to compete with your friends, pitting pony against pony via wireless.
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